Department of computer engineering
The Department was founded in March 1994. Head of the Department Aneta Hapka, BEng, PhD |
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Members of the Department
- Adam Słowik, BEng, PhD, DSc, Professor of KUT
- Rafał Wojszczyk, BEng, PhD
- Natalia Maslennikow, BEng, PhD
- Robert Arsoba, BEng, PhD
- Dariusz Bernatowicz, BEng, MSc
- Marek Popławski, BEng, PhD
- Piotr Ratuszniak, BEng, PhD
- Magdalena Rajewska, BEng, PhD
- Bartosz Sokół, BEng, MSc
- Rafał Reszelewski, BEng, MSc
- Maciej Bączek, BEng, MSc
Managed specializations
Computer science – undergraduate studies:
- Computer Programming and Networking (PKiSI)
- Systems and Database Engineering (ISiBD)
- Software Test Engineering (ITO)
Computer science – graduate studies:
- Applications of Database Systems (ZSBD)
- Intelligent Information Systems (ISI)
Didactics – subjects taught
Fundamentals of programming, Numerical methods, Algorithms and computation-al complexity, Programming languages and paradigms, Applications of object-oriented programming, Computer programming, Application design, Component programming, Applications of component programming, Databases, Relational da-tabase management, Design of database applications, Operating systems, Software engineering, Metalanguages, Team project, Computational intelligence, Artificial intelligence applications, Mobile devices programming, Artificial intelligence and expert systems, Systems design, Systems management, Modeling and analysis of information systems, Web programming, Information security, Websites and por-tals, Distributed systems, Advanced numerical methods, . NET, Hybrid expert sys-tems, Object-oriented databases, Administration of database systems, Information Systems Design, Management of IT projects, Distributed systems software, Infor-mation technology, Algorithms and data structures, Computer and device pro-gramming, Object-oriented device and system programming, Optimization meth-ods, Information systems security, Graduate proseminar, Graduate seminar, Grad-uate workshop.
Department research
- intelligent software IT systems for improvement of the efficiency of numerical computations and the quality of human-computer communication,
- design of IT systems for intelligent support of engineering calculations,
- development of IT systems supporting the design of digital electronic circuits,
- development and improvement of engineering methods (hybrid expert systems, evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimization algorithms) and their usage to design, optimize and diagnose electronic systems,
- design of parallel real-time systems that provide the desired reliability of calculations,
- applications of thermal wave technique and image processing for electronic materials and components study,
- IT techniques and technologies for automatic testing of students' knowledge and skills, and remote learning methods.
Department of Electronics
The Department was established in 2015 as a result of the merger of the Departments: Head of the Department |
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Department Staff
- prof. dr hab. Mirosław Maliński
- prof. dr hab. Aleksy Patryn
- prof. dr hab. Bohdan Andrzejewski
- dr inż. Jarosław Kraśniewski
- dr inż. Katarzyna Jagodzińska
- dr inż. Marcin Walczak
- dr inż. Piotr Pawłowski
- dr inż. Łukasz Chrobak
- dr inż. Leszek Bychto
- mgr inż. Maciej Janik
Specialization areas
The Department conducts specialization areas in the field of study Electronics and Telecommunica-tions at the 1st and the 2nd cycle studies. Specialization areas at the 1st cycle (engineering) studies: Optoelectronics (OPTO), Electronic and telecommunications systems (SEiT). Specialization areas at the second-cycle (master's) studies: Telecommunication Systems and Networks (SiST), Consumer Electron-ics (EU), Optoelectronics and Photoenergetics (OiF).
Didactics - subjects taught
Subjects in the field of study
Physics, Laboratory of physics, Fundamentals of electronics and electrical engineering, History of technology, Reliability and diagnostics, Alarm systems, Laboratory of alarm systems, Optoelectronics, Laboratory of basics of electronics, Electronic components, Electronic circuits, Laboratory of electronic circuits, Fundamentals of power electronics, Laboratory of basics of power electronics, Electronic energy conversion systems, Basics of metrology, Laboratory of fundamentals of metrology, Electronic metrology, Electronic and telecommunication metrology, Materials engineering and device construction, Theory of circuits and signals, Fundamentals of telecommunica-tions, Systems and telecommunications networks, Wireless techniques, Laboratory of communication devices, Fiber optic technology and photonics, Laboratory of the fiber optic technology, Electromagnetic compatibility, Information and coding theory, Management of telecommunications networks and services, Information systems security.
Specialization subjects during the 1st cycle studies
1. Optoelectronics.
Physical basics of optoelectronics, Applied optics, Optoelectronic detectors and transmitters, Programming of control and measurement devices, Optical metrology, Optoelectronic systems, Fiber optics, Photovoltaics, Inte-grated optoelectronic systems.
2.Electronic and telecommunications systems.
Fiber optic technology, Wireless communication systems, Designs and applications of integrated circuits, Inte-grated and broadband networks, Computer systems design, Computer measurement, Monitoring and diagnos-tic systems, Designing telecommunications networks, Laboratory of tele-communication, Continuous and switched time filters, Computer-aided work of an engineer.
Specialization subjects during the 2nd cycle studies
3. Telecommunication systems and networks.
Mobile radio-communication systems, Spread spectrum technology and systems, Designing of ICT networks, Very high frequency (VHF) technology, WLAN and WMAN networks, Transmitting and receiving devices, Microwave technology laboratory.
4. Consumer electronics.
Electronics in vehicles and buildings, Techniques of simulation of electronic devices, Techniques of simulation and prototyping, Semiconductor and micro-electromechanical systems, Microcontrollers and measuring mi-crosystems, Applications of microwave and laser technology, Laboratory of consumer electronics.
5. Optoelectronics and photoenergetics.
Interaction of light with matter, Classical and optical optoelectronics, Photovoltaic conversion, Light generation and detection, Application of optoelectronic and photoenergy systems.
Laboratory stands for scientific research.
- Stand for measuring the temperature distribution of systems and elements in a wide temperature range, equipped with a SC660 FLIR thermal imaging camera with a measuring range of -40 oC to 1500 oC.
- Stand for measuring electrical parameters of elements and systems in a large temperature range in a Fara-day cage with shielding from an external electromagnetic field.
- Stand for testing luminance and chromaticity spectra of luminous objects, e.g. LEDs or LCD panels, equipped with a Konica Minolta SC 2000 spectrophotometer.
- Stand for testing impulse power conversion and rectifier systems used in power electronics, equipped with: Fluke 435 3-phase power quality and energy analyzer, RLC bridge, NI PXI workstation.
- Antenna testing stand equipped with: AA-1000 antenna analyzer for impedance measurements, tuning and testing of antennas in the frequency range from 0.1 MHz to 1000 MHz, an electromagnetic field strength ana-lyzer in the radio frequency band, an Agilent Technologies RF signal generator for testing communication systems.
- Stand for testing optical parameters, optical spectra and thermal parameters of new optoelectronic materials using the photoacoustic method.
- Stand for testing recombination parameters and surface distribution of recombination parameters using the SPV method (surface photovoltage).
- Stand for examining the distribution of surface recombination parameters of electronic materials, e.g. the lifetime of carriers and the distribution of thermal conductivity of materials using the method of a modulation of light on free carriers and photothermal infrared radiometry.
- Stand for simulation and computational studies of the electronic structure and properties of crystals.
Scientific research conducted in the Optoelectronics and Photovoltaics Group concerns mainly materials and structures of electronics, including optoelectronics and photoenergetics. The basic research methods are photoa-coustic analysis, absorption modulation on free carriers, photothermal radiometry, surface photovoltage method, simulation and computational studies of the energy structure of solids. The Department has a set of experimental equipment allowing for carrying out these tests with optically selective excitation of objects in the visible and infrared spectral range. Excitation in this modulation range is possible through the use of various types of semi-conductor lasers and monochromators. Depending on the research tasks, the measuring stations include original measuring chambers, detectors, sliding tables, phase-sensitive amplifiers and computer control and data acquisi-tion systems.
In the simulation and computing part, the department has a laboratory for theoretical research of the electronic structure and properties of crystals, with software for theoretical research within the theory of the functional density function (CASTEP, VASP, FHI-aims) and with the use of force field potentials (LAMMPS) of the electronic structure and crystal properties. The calculations are performed on our own computing server with a four-processor computer with a large RAM memory, as well as remotely on the servers of the Interdisciplinary Center for Computer Modeling (ICM) of the University of Warsaw and the Wrocław Network and Supercompu-ting Center (WCSS).
Department of Digital Signal Processing Systems
Head of Department Krzysztof Wawryn, BEng, PhD, DSc, Professor |
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List of Department staff
- Krzysztof Wawryn, BEng, PhD, DSc, Professor
- Robert Suszyński, BEng, PhD, DSc, Assoc. Prof.
- Józef Drabarek, BEng, PhD
- Dariusz Gretkowski, BEng, PhD
- Bogdan Strzeszewski, BEng, PhD
- Robert Wirski, BEng, PhD
- Józef Jasiulewicz, BEng, MSc
- Paweł Poczekajło, BEng, PhD
- Marek Rubanowicz, BEng, MSc
- Patryk Widuliński, BEng, MSc
Specialties conducted
- Automation Systems, majoring in Electronics and Telecommunications in the first degree studies;
- Control Systems Electronics, majoring in Electronics and Telecommunications in the second degree studies;
- Automation Systems Programming, majoring in Computer Science in the first de-gree studies;
- Computer Systems Administration, majoring in Computer Science in the first de-gree studies;
- Industrial Automation Systems, majoring in Computer Science in the second degree studies;
- Distributed Information Systems, majoring in Computer Science in the second de-gree studies.
Didactics: courses conducted
Computer Architecture and Operating Systems, Computer Systems Architecture, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Technology, Digital Systems, Reprogrammable Digital Systems, Microprocessor Technology, Network Technologies, Applications of Impulse Electronic Systems, Stochastic Processes, Digital Signal Processing Tools, Computer Systems Engineering, Models and Methods of Automation, Computer Signal Processing Systems, Computer Measurement, Monitoring and Diagnostic Systems, Design of Utility-Based Computer Systems, Computer Control and Indus-trial Networks, Measuring and Actuating Components, Design of Utility-Based Con-trol Systems, Programmable Logic Controllers, Reprogrammable Logic Control Systems, PLC Programming Languages, Distributed Information Processing Sys-tems, Industrial IT Systems, Parallel Programming, IT Implementation and Monitor-ing Systems, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Cybersecurity.
DDSPS Laboratories
Five laboratories equipped with computers, laboratory sets, and measure-ment equipment allow for the realization of laboratory exercises in the following subjects: pulse electronic circuits, digital technology, digital systems, microprocessor technology, reprogrammable digital systems, computer architecture, digital signal processing, PLCs, computer control systems, network technologies, distributed in-formation processing systems, IT systems in industry, parallel programming, cloud computing, and cybersecurity.
The labs are equipped with sets with signal processors, Motorola, Intel, and AVR processors. In the digital systems laboratory the workstations are equipped with DE2 and DE2-115 teaching sets with reprogrammable circuits. The sets enable the realization of laboratory classes in several different subjects.
For the needs of new specialties PLC and computer control laboratories have been opened, equipped with 15 workstations with GeFanuc, Siemens and Moeller controllers. In the laboratories there are modern measuring instruments: oscillo-scopes, digital generators and logic analyzers. A number of computers are equipped with high-end sound cards used as signal sources.
The equipment available in the microprocessors lab makes it possible to con-duct classes in programming of embedded systems. The aim of the course is to famil-iarize students with the basic methods of design and programming of simple em-bedded systems, i.e. specialized information systems responsible for performing specific tasks - mainly related to monitoring and control.
There are 50 computer stations in the laboratories. Students of the Electronics, Computer Science and Automation Club have their own laboratory. They implement various projects in the field of widely understood electronics and computer science. They actively participate in Open Days and Science Festivals organized every year by Koszalin University of Technology. It also conducts courses in programming microprocessor systems. There is also an Amateur Radio Club in the Department.
Topics of conducted scientific activity, description of scientific laboratories and their research capabilities
The department conducts research on the development of video signal filter-ing algorithms. The results of this research are used in such applications as image conditioning, compression, digital radio and television transmission, medical signal processing, seismography, etc. The laboratory is equipped with modern equipment allowing the realization of the above mentioned tasks. The second direction of re-search is A/D and D/A converters. Specifically, the analysis of the performance of currently available A/D and D/A converters intended for cooperation with DSP systems and development of reconfigurable A/D and D/A converters meeting the requirements of resolution and processing speed.
Laboratory of Digital Media Processing Systems in Networks and Mobile Devices - building D, room 105 - 2D
The laboratory is equipped with the following equipment:
– a WFM6120 television signal monitor,
– a TG700 television signal generator,
– a StratixII GX set for experiments with audio-video signals,
– a Tektronix 4-channel 1 GHz digital oscilloscope,
– a source and function generator,
– an ATS-100 audio signal analyzer,
– a programmable digital power supply,
– sets with signal processors, A/C, D/A converters.
Scientific Laboratory of Digital Processing Systems and Design of A/D and D/A Converters - building D, room 105 - 2D
The following research stations are available in the laboratory:
1. Station for launching and testing algorithms of video signal filtration
The station consists of the following equipment:
1. a PC computer,
2. a WFM6120 television signal monitor,
3. a TG700 television signal generator
4. a StratixII GX set for experiments with audio-video signals,
5. an ATS-100 audio signal analyzer
6. development sets with signal processors.
2. Station for implementation of digital circuits and systems in reprogrammable FPGAs
The station consists of the following equipment:
1. a PC computer,
2. an HP1663C 32-channel logic analyzer,
3. an MSO4054 digital oscilloscope with logic analyzer,
4. development sets with circuits from the CYCLONE II and CYCLONE IV E fami-ly.
3. Station for prototyping analog circuits using reprogrammable FPAAs
The station for simulating and measuring analog circuits in reprogrammable struc-tures includes the following equipment:
1. a PC computer,
2. an HP662 power supply unit,
3. an Agilent 34410A digital multimeter,
4. a DPO7104 1 GHz oscilloscope,
5. an HP34970 data acquisition system,
6. prototype sets with FPAA chips.
4. Station for launching and testing of A/D and D/A converters
The station includes the following equipment:
1. a PC computer,
2. an E3631A programmable power supply unit,
3. an HP34401A digital multimeter,
4. an HP INFINIUM 0.5 GHz oscilloscope,
5. an AGILENT 33120A generator,
6. prototype sets with FPAA chips,
7. sets with signal processors, A/D and D/A converters.
The most important scientific achievements of the Department, completed research grants, awards and distinctions
Grants completed:
- Analysis and design of SI filters and analog-to-digital A/D and digital-to-analog D/A converters operating in current mode – KBN research grant.
- The development of design methods for analog-to-digital converters A/D and digital-to-analog converters D/A operating in current mode. A study of the properties of the designed and implemented circuits in the form of an ASIC chip and a comparative analysis of their properties with known solutions.
- Application of neural networks for compost composition forecasting – KBN re-search grant.
- Development of new methods of compost composition forecasting by means of neural networks. Prediction of compost composition and determination of its pa-rameters by means of a trained neural network.
- High-speed A/D converters operating in current mode – KBN research grant.
- Development off fast current A/D converters meeting requirements for coopera-tion with digital systems and real-time processing of analog signals.
- Current neural networks – KBN research grant.
- Development of new current neural networks with a large neuron count. Study of the properties of designed and implemented circuits in the form of an ASIC chip and comparative analysis of their properties with known solutions.
- High-speed A/D and D/A converters in real-time digital signal processing sys-tems interfaces – KBN research grant.
The project concerns the analysis and implementation of the input and output cir-cuits in real-time digital signal processing systems. The main objective is the con-struction of a reprogrammable mixed system with analog signal processing at the inputs and outputs, with a digital interior, performing processing and numerical transformation of the digital representation of the analyzed signals. - New synthesis algorithm developments and hardware implementations for im-age processing applied to medical diagnostic and communication systems – a pro-ject carried out under the Polish-Singapore Agreement.
The main objective of the project is two-dimensional signal processing applied to medical diagnostics and communication systems. The project covers the entire design process from the development of algorithms to their hardware implemen-tation, including the design of A/D and D/A converters. - „PLATON Science Service Platform – Stage I: Shared Services Container” project, Operational Programme: Innovative Economy 2007-2013. The project is imple-mented under the Innovative Economy Operational Programme, 2007-2013, Pri-ority 2: Infrastructure of the R&D sector, Measure 2.3: Investments in develop-ment of IT infrastructure of science, Sub-measures 2.3.1: Projects in development of IT infrastructure of science and 2.3.3: Projects in development of advanced ap-plications and ICT services. No. POIG.02.03.00-00-028/08-00.
The aim of the project was to develop the national ICT infrastructure for science (PIONIER network) with applications and services to support scientific research and development work of Polish research teams for innovative economy. The di-rect goal of the project was to implement modern ICT services: videoconferenc-ing, eduroam, campus services, universal archiving, scientific interactive televi-sion, available to the scientific community in Poland. - „Development of 21 environmental ICT networks for science – NewMAN” pro-ject, Operational Programme: Innovative Economy 2007-2013, Priority 2: Infra-structure of the R&D sector, Measure 2.3: Investments in development of IT in-frastructure of science, Sub-measure 2.3.1: Projects for development of IT infra-structure of science.
The aim of the project was to develop 21 environmental ICT networks for science in order to provide scientific institutions located throughout the country with ac-cess to modern and secure network infrastructure used to support research and development of Polish research teams and to enable communication with scien-tific institutions around the world by connecting to the backbone network of the Polish Optical Internet PIONIER. - „Implementation of high reliability critical services (MAN-HA) in MAN-s” project, Operational Programme: Innovative Economy, 2007-2013, Priority 2: Infrastruc-ture of the R&D sector, Measure 2.3: Investments in the development of IT infra-structure of science, Sub-measures 2.3.1: Projects in the development of IT infra-structure of science, and 2.3.3: Projects in the development of advanced ICT ap-plications and services.
The aim of the project was to integrate selected services available in the PIONIER network, and to develop new services with the following characteristics: in-creased reliability and security, easy access, support for federation mechanisms, work in a cloud environment. As part of the project, the existing infrastructure in 21 MAN centers was extended with new elements: firewalls and servers, as well as developed and purchased software.
Department of Multimedia Systems and Artificial Intelligence
Department established in July 2007 (Rector's order PK 41/2007)
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Department Staff
- Robert Świta, BEng, PhD
- Paweł Skrobanek, BEng, PhD
- Grzegorz Górski, BEng, PhD
- Paweł Koziołko, BEng, MSc
- Marcin Nowacki, BEng, MSc
Specialization areas
The Department has prepared two specializations for the field of Computer Science:
- Internet and Mobile Technologies (1st degree);
- Data Mining (2nd degree).
The most important teaching topics in the Department
The staff of the Department cooperates with IT companies and follows the latest trends and IT solutions.
The issues discussed during the classes:
– programming of mobile devices (IOS andAndroid) , Internet of Things devices;
– Signal processing and pattern recognition;
– 3D graphics;
– data mining and computational intelligence;
– data warehouse and business intelligence;
– software development processes and quality assurance methods;
– software development in programming teams;
– frontend and backend technologies.
Scientific activity
Research conducted at the Department concerns the development and practical application of Data Mining (Business Intelligence), ensuring the security of real-time systems and Internet of Things technology, includ-ing programming of mobile devices. The aim of the research is also to develop innovative encryption algo-rithms and data protection methods for multi-layer systems using cloud services, systems using a mobile device, as well as to develop comprehensive solutions to protect privacy and anonymity in the Internet.
In particular, the research areas of the Department's employees include:
– pattern recognition and prediction in real-time systems;
– medical diagnostics using Data Mining methods;
– Internet of Things on Mobile Platforms;
– Service Oriented Architecture;
– methods of formal security analysis of real-time systems (FTTD, TPN);
– preprocessing, segmentation and pattern recognition (medical, technical, scientific applications);
– optimization methods using ANN and GA;
– human-computer dialog system (POLINT);
– 3D graphics, including the creation of strategy games;
– Thermal-wave tomography
Other activity
In the academic year 2021/2022, in cooperation with the Koszalin Department of Transition Technologies-Software Sp. z o.o. the department has launched 4th edition of the JAVA Science Club. Classes conducted by an experienced programmer are very popular among 2nd and 3rd year students of Computer Science. Issues that are necessary in the programmer's daily work and are often verified during the technical part of recruitment interviews are broadly discussed.
Department of Computer Science and Management
The Department, established in October 2006, is currently one of five independent units at the Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science of the Koszalin University of Technology.
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List of employees of the Department
- Professor Zbigniew Banaszak, D.Sc. Ph.D. Eng.
- Professor Krzysztof Rokosz, D.Sc. Ph.D. Eng.
- Associate Professor Grzegorz Bocewicz, D.Sc. Ph.D. Eng.
- Assistant Professor Krzysztof Bzdyra, Ph.D. Eng.
- Assistant Professor Dariusz Jakóbczak, Ph.D. Eng.
- Assistant Professor Eryk Szwarc, Ph.D. Eng.
Specialties in the field of Computer Science:
- Computer Science in Management (first-cycle studies – 7 semesters - Engi-neering Degree); which includes subjects in the area of construction and op-eration of modern information technologies, in particular in the field of methods, tools and systems supporting business management,
- Business applications of IT are associated with the ability to practically use operational research and computer simulation methods implemented in ERP computer-integrated management systems. Graduates of this spe-cialization combine knowledge in the area of construction and operation of modern information technologies, with knowledge in the field of pro-duction engineering, quality engineering and knowledge engineering, as well as maintenance, distribution network design and logistics manage-ment. This knowledge is supported by knowledge of business process as-sessment and management methodologies (ITIL, CMMI), as well as knowledge of process modeling methods (UML, BPMN).
- In turn, IT applications in the areas of planning and administration of production processes and services are related to the management of IN-FORMATION projects, in particular supply chain management. Empha-sis is placed on the ability to work in a team and the ability to convey and disseminate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both spe-cialists (i.e. a substantively diverse audience) and non-specialists (e.g. fu-ture clients or consumers). The acquired competences enable graduates to run a company independently or work as a consultant. These competenc-es enable proper assessment and interpretation of processes taking place in the company and its immediate environment, as well as effective and creative cooperation in teams, technology transfer and innovation, e.g. in the selection and implementation of project management methodologies (both classic ones such as PMI, PRINCE, RUP, as well as modern ones such as: Agile, Lean, SCRUM, XP).
- Information Management Systems (IMS) (second-cycle studies – 3 semesters – Masters’ Degree); covering subjects related to, among others, management issues, typical solutions of IT systems used in management, design of DSS driven management systems of various classes, such as CRM, ERP, MRP and so on. In addition to strictly IT subjects covering the methods of declarative programming and programming in the MATLAB environment, subjects shaping "soft" competences are also proposed. Students acquire skills in pro-ject management, human resource management, logistics management, etc.
- In this profile, special emphasis is placed on the ability to work in pro-ject teams combining both IT implementation specialists and non-specialists (investors, clients) – and consequently shaping the ability to formulate, transfer and exchange acquired knowledge both in terms of the specificity of technical problems encountered and the methods used to solve them.
- The specialization of IMS is in particular dedicated to graduates of engi-neering technical studies who have completed first-cycle studies in strict-ly IT specialties (e.g. computer programming, network management, In-ternet programming) and want to expand their competences, e.g. in the field of implementation and operation of IT systems, planning their ca-reer in management positions.
Conducted subjects:
- Decision support in conditions of uncertainty,
- Programming in the logic of constraints,
- Organizational management,
- Computer-integrated management systems,
- Computer-integrated management systems,
- Data mining,
- Business process modeling,
- Project management,
- Logistics management,
- Discrete mathematics,
- Theoretical foundations of computer science,
- Statistics in management,
- IT systems design studio,
- IT in business,
- Human Resources Management,
- Quality management systems,
- Laboratory of information systems,
- Basics of mathematical analysis,
- Linear algebra and analytic geometry,
- Probabilistics and statistics,
- Mathematical analysis and linear algebra,
- Functions of a complex variable,
- Social problems of computer science,
- Operations management,
- Production and service management,
- Operational research.
Description of the subject of scientific activity with a description of scien-tific laboratories and their research capabilities:
The profile of scientific interests of the Department's employees concerns the topics of scheduling multimodal cyclical processes, methods of estimating the costs of implementing ERP class systems, image processing, IT project man-agement, software design and modeling, synthesis of employee competence structures resistant to interference caused by, for example, employee absentee-ism, production of nano- and micro-layers on selected metals and alloys.
The scope of research includes:
- robust to disruptions competency frameworks planning. The proposed proac-tive approach is to anticipate potential disruptions and protect against unde-sirable effects (e.g. delays, additional costs, etc.). For this purpose, the planned research is related to the development of the proprietary method of Competency Structure Planning (CSP), which is based on the competency structures robustness measure. In particular, research concerns support for the planning of project teams taking into account learning and forgetfulness;
- production of nano- and micro-layers enriched with selected elements on light metals for applications as substrates for catalysts by Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation (PEO);
- analysis of current signals to monitor PEO processes, their identification and process control;
- research of original author’s method of Probabilistic Features Combination (PFC) that is used in reconstruction and prediction for two- and multidimen-sional data, based on modeling of unknown data by linear combination for two successive interpolation nodes via modeling function with calculated pa-rameter. Modeling function (power function, exponential, logarythmic, trig-onometric and cyclometric function) is a probabilistic distribution function of interpolated values situated between two successive interpolation nodes. Problems connected with these researches over applications of PFC are con-cerned on building and analysis of the method for reconstruction and predic-tion of multidimensional data;
- synthesis of declarative models of routing, batching and scheduling prob-lems occurring in the course of production processes planning and control typical for automotive industry and household appliances industry as well as for supply chine networks. The research focuses on methods of analyzing the behavior of the above-mentioned systems (e.g. production flow, public transport schedules, UAVs mission planning, etc.) and synthesis of their structures (topology of the distribution networks, structure and organization of the rolling stock used in them, etc.). The models sought should enable the development of algorithms for rapid, online, prototyping of both alternative variants of the structure and the behavior of the analyzed systems. The con-ducted research focuses on methods of analyzing the behavior of the above-mentioned systems (e.g. production flow, public transport schedules, UAVs mission planning, etc.) and synthesis of their structures (topology of the network of connections, structure and organization of the rolling stock used in them, etc.). The models sought should enable the development of algo-rithms for rapid, online, prototyping of alternative variants of the structure and behavior of the analyzed systems;
- synthesis of declarative models of Systems of the Concurrently Flowing Cyclic Processes (SCCP). The conducted research is focused on determining sufficient conditions, the fulfillment of which guarantees the existence of Cyclic Steady States (CSS) as well as transient states enabling their mutual reachability. The existence of transient states determines the ability to change the behavior of the system (i.e. the transition between different, permissible CSSs without having to stop its "work", i.e. it allows for a "smooth" transition between acceptable CSSs. Conditions of this type make it possible to develop a method of self-organization of SCCP, in particular in terms of their robustness to disturbances. The SCCP's resistance to disturbances disrupting the rhythm of its processes is understood here as its ability to move from the currently implemented and "disrupted" CSS to another, alternative CSS’ in order to later return to the previously implemented CPU.
Research conducted in the Laboratory of Applications of Programming Methods in the Logic of Constraints and classes conducted there include:
- Business process management (BPM) and IT services, including those based on the ITIL v. 3 (IT Infrastructure Library) standard;
- Modeling of information systems in UML, BPMN languages;
- Project management based on MS Project software, as well as MRP/MRPII/ERP class systems. Classes are conducted on the basis of li-censes of the following companies: proAlpha, Rekord and IFS;
- As part of cooperation with the Gdańsk University of Technology and IBM CAS, the IBM Competence Center at the Koszalin University of Technology was established. Thanks to this, students specializing in Computer Science in Management and Information Management Systems carried out classes on the original Rational Team Concert software – participation confirmed by special Certificates.