Łukasz Chrobak
dr inż. Łukasz Chrobak adiunkt
Katedra Elektroniki
ul. Śniadeckich 2, pok. 305A, 75-453 Koszalin tel. +48 94 3478 724 email: lukasz.chrobak[at]tu.koszalin.pl ORCID: 0000-0003-4806-0128
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Pełnione funkcje:
[1] Członek Rady Naukowej dyscypliny Automatyka, Elektronika, Elektrotechnika i Technologie Kosmiczne
[1] Członek Rady Naukowej dyscypliny Automatyka, Elektronika, Elektrotechnika i Technologie Kosmiczne
Aktywność naukowa
Ostatnie publikacje (wg. Scopus):[1] | Malinski M.,Chrobak L., Investigations and modeling aspects of the influence of the high energy and high dose implantation on the optical and transport parameters of implanted layers in silicon, 2020, Physica B: Condensed Matter, p. |
[2] | Dorywalski K.,Chrobak L.,Malinski M., Comparative studies of the optical absorption coefficient spectra in the implanted layers in silicon with the use of nondestructive spectroscopic techniques, 2020, Metrology and Measurement Systems, p. 323-337 |
[3] | Chrobak L.,Malinski M., On Investigations of the Optical Absorption Coefficient of Gold and Germanium Implanted Silicon with the Use of the Non-destructive Contactless Photo Thermal Infrared Radiometry, 2019, Journal of Electronic Materials, p. 5273-5278 |
[4] | Zakrzewski J.,Strzalkowski K.,Malinski M.,Chrobak L., Two-Layer Model in Piezoelectric Photothermal Spectra of CdTe Crystals, 2019, International Journal of Thermophysics, p. |
[5] | Malinski M.,Chrobak L.,Madej W.,Kukharchyk N., Correction to: Au2+ -Implanted Regions in Silicon Visualized Using a Modulated Free-Carrier Absorption Method (International Journal of Thermophysics, (2017), 38, 7, (110), 10.1007/s10765-017-2246-2), 2019, International Journal of Thermophysics, p. |
[6] | Chrobak L.,Malinski M., Properties of silicon implanted with Fe+, Ge+, Mn+ ions investigated using a frequency contactless modulated free-carrier absorption technique, 2018, Optical Materials, p. 484-491 |
[7] | Chrobak L.,Malinski M., Comparison of three nondestructive and contactless techniques for investigations of recombination parameters on an example of silicon samples, 2018, Infrared Physics and Technology, p. 1-7 |
[8] | Chrobak L.,Malinski M., Investigations of the possibility of determination of thermal parameters of Si and SiGe samples based on the Photo Thermal Radiometry technique, 2018, Infrared Physics and Technology, p. 46-51 |
[9] | Malinski M.,Chrobak L.,Madej W.,Kukharchyk N., Au2 +-Implanted Regions in Silicon Visualized Using a Modulated Free-Carrier Absorption Method, 2017, International Journal of Thermophysics, p. |
[10] | Chrobak L.,Malinski M., Visualization of the implanted areas in semiconductor materials with the use of the nondestructive infrared photothermal radiometry technique Obrazowanie obszarów implantowanych w materiałach półprzewodnikowych z wykorzystaniem nieniszczącej techniki radiometrii w podczerwieni, 2017, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, p. 92-94 |
Aktywność na Wydziale:
14.10.2019 | Nagrody JM Rektora za działalność naukową - 2019r. |
19.03.2019 | Seminarium naukowe |
07.03.2019 | Dzień otwarty Politechniki Koszalińskiej |
29.09.2018 | Dzień otwarty Politechniki Koszalińskiej |
28.11.2017 | Seminarium naukowe |