Magdalena Rajewska
#Więcejdr inż. Magdalena Rajewska starszy wykładowca
Katedra Inżynierii Komputerowej
ul. Śniadeckich 2, pok. 223A, 75-453 Koszalin tel. +48 +48 94 3478 740 email: magdalena.rajewska[at] ORCID: 0000-0001-7322-2374
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Aktywność naukowa
Ostatnie publikacje (wg. Scopus):[1] | Rajewska M.,Walkowiak M., Dual-input current-mode gate using for digital signal processing in mechatronic systems, 2012, Solid State Phenomena, p. 349-354 |
[2] | Maslennikow O.,Rajewska M.,Berezowski R.,Pawlowski P., Hardware realization of the modular exponentiation operation in cryptographic systems based on binary and multivalued logic, 2009, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference - Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES 2009, p. 271-275 |
[3] | Maslennikow O.,Maslennikowa N.,Pawlowski P.,Rajewska M.,Berezowski R., Realization of the modular exponentiation operation in cryptographic systems Realizacja sprzȩtowa operacji potȩgowania modularnego w systemach kryptograficznych, 2009, Przeglad Elektrotechniczny, p. 210-214 |
[4] | Maslennikow O.,Rajewska M.,Berezowski R., Hardware realization of the AES algorithm S-block functions in the current-mode gate technology, 2007, The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, CADSM 2007, p. 211-217 |
[5] | Maslennikow O.,Maslennikowa N.,Rajewska M.,Gretkowski D.,Lienou J.-P., Design of FPGA-based residue number system converters for digital signal processing systems, 2007, The Experience of Designing and Application of CAD Systems in Microelectronics - Proceedings of the 9th International Conference, CADSM 2007, p. 194-201 |
[6] | Maslennikow O.,Berezowski R.,Soltan P.,Rajewska M., Design the prototype of the Spartan II FPGA slice with the current-mode gates, 2002, ICCSC 2002 - 1st IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems for Communications, Proceedings, p. 182-185 |