Thank you so much prof. Irena Rabinovich for a warm welcome and stimulating conversations. The visit to Beit Gemal (Kphargamla) where Jewish and Christian traditions meet and where Rabban Gamliel the Elder in the presence of the Virgin Mary and some of the apostles buried the Christian protomartyr Saint Stephen was a real treat. We thank Sister Abigail for telling us her fascinating story and wish her all the best!
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Projekt autorstwa dr hab. Brygidy Gasztold, prof. PK i prof. dr hab. inż. Krzysztofa Rokosza zyskał uznanie komisji konkursowej Fundacji Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji - Narodowej Agencji Programu Erasmus+ w konkursie „Mobilność studentów i pracowników uczelni między krajami partnerskimi" w programie Erasmus+ w konkursie 2020 r.” Projekt, którego budżet wynosi ponad 42 000 EUR, zakłada współpracę z uczelnią w Izraelu, Holon Institute of Technology, Georgian Technical University w Gruzji i National Chiayi University na Tajwanie w okresie 2020-2023 w takich obszarach jak, amerykańskie literatury etniczne, mechanika i budowa maszyn. Projekt zakłada wyjazdy i przyjazdy nauczycieli akademickich w celu prowadzenia zajęć dydaktycznych i w celach szkoleniowych. W ramach programu pracownicy uczelni mogą doskonalić kompetencje zawodowe, poszerzać wiedzę w danej dziedzinie i prowadzić zajęcia w uczelniach partnerskich. Udział w programie umożliwi nawiązanie nowych kontaktów o charakterze dydaktyczno-naukowym, a także może być inspiracją do wymiany dobrych praktyk z zakresu zarówno dydaktyki jak i organizacji na wszystkich uczelniach partnerskich. Współpraca między uczelniami partnerskimi w ramach projektu będzie ważnym elementem umiędzynarodowienia Politechniki Koszalińskiej.
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I would like to thank my wonderful hosts at National Chiayi University for their generous hospitality. It’s been an amazing journey, in which I have learnt so much about the history and culture of your beautiful country. Prof. Chen Mao-Jen, thank you for explaining to us your art, and the beautiful gift. Dr Angel Hsi-I Chen from the Office of International Affairs, the mug will always remind me of my time spent at Lantan Campus.
Jey-you Yan and Tin-Yuen Lin, I’m so grateful to you for the memorable day at Tainan. You’ve been amazing guides to your culture, and I have learnt so much about life in Taiwan and its cuisine. Chiang Feng Yang, Yi-lin Wu and Rou-Yun Sun, our conversations have brought me so much closer to understanding your values and beliefs. I wish you all success in your studies and future endeavors.
Finally, my deepest gratitude to Prof. Pi-hua Ni, who has been a kind and generous host and a friend throughout my whole journey.
Between 5 and 9 December, 2022 Koszalin University of Technology hosted prof. Pi-hua Ni from Chiayi University, Taiwan. Prof. Ni visited the Mobility Office and toured the Poly’s infrastructure, meeting faculty, students and employees. During a meeting at the Faculty of Humanities, we compared national educational systems, the university structure, and the teaching methods.
Prof. Ni gave an open lecture “Diversity in Taiwanese culture and languages,” followed by a Q&A session.
Later, prof. Ni taught classes with the 3rd year students of English philology. The topic, which was connected with Taiwanese literature and history, involved the discussion of a novel by Shawna Yang Ryan entitled Green Island (2016).
It was a unique and very exciting experience, both for the students and faculty, to learn about the Taiwanese culture, history, and education.
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Speech sponsored by
ERASMUS+ Programme KA-107
Dr. hab. Brygida Gasztold
Department of English Studies
Koszalin University of Technology
Chaired by
Dr. Pi-hua Ni
Department of Foreign Languages
National Chiayi University
The Nazi German Concentration Camp Auschwitz: The Symbol of the Holocaust
Date: June 16, 2021 (Wednesday)
Time: 15:20-16:10 (Taiwan Time)
9:20-10:10 (Poland Time)