Wydział Inżynierii Mechanicznej i Energetyki
Politechniki Koszalińskiej

Opublikowano 27.08.2021 12:49

After 10 years of absence, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Koszalin University of Technology is currently planning to resume its journal so far titled (Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Mechanicznego Politechniki Koszalińskiej in Polish). The new version of our journal will be published in English under a new title: Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering.

The series will cover two technical disciplines, i.e. mechanical engineering and modern power engineering. In the field of mechanical engineering, the journal covers a broad range of issues connected with mechanical design, materials processing technology, surface engineering, metrology, tribology, modelling and simulation of mechanical systems, automation, robotics, rapid technologies, maintenance and management of mechanical systems and other related problems. In terms of power and energy engineering scope of the journal covers issues related to fluids engineering, heat transfer, refrigeration and air-conditioning, energetics and renewable energy resources as well as solar energy and other similar topics.

Our initiative is based on previous editorial experience concerning the publishing of Scientific Journal of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Koszalin University of Technology, that goes back to 1975, i.e. when the Koszalin University of Technology was Higher Engineering School yet. First edition of the Faculty's journal was published in 1975 and was titled Manufacturing Techniques (Techniki Wytwarzania). Since 1980 our editor-in-chief was Jan Wojtkun. During the years our journal was published in two series A - Construction and B - Technology. In 1986 Wojciech Tarnowski took over the position of editor-in-chief while new layout was introduced and the title changed to Polioptimization. Since 1990 the journal was published under the title Scientific Journal of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Among the scientific editors, we should mention Jerzy Milanowski, Bronisław Słowiński, Wojciech Kacalak, Ewa Wachowicz and Leon Kukiełka. The editors of the last journal (published in 2007) were Wojciech Tarnowski and Tomasz Kiczkowiak. Therefore, the idea of Journal of Mechanical and Energy Engineering is the continuation of previous publications by the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Koszalin University of Technology.

We believe, the collaboration with authors willing to publish their papers, will ensure a high scientific level of the journal. However, reliable and substantial evaluation of paper proposals received by the editorial office is mandatory. Accordingly, it is crucial to provide proper verification by recognized scientists. Therefore, I address to you, Sir or Madame, a proposal of collaboration as a reviewer of our journal. We look forward to a successful co-operation.

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