Politechniki Koszalińskiej


International football match

A group of students from France and Spain participating in the Erasmus + International Exchange Program took part in a football match organized by the Higher Theological Seminary of the Koszalin-Kołobrzeg Diocese @seminarium Koszalin. It was exciting! The match ended with the victory of the HTS Koszalin team with a score of 15-13, but what counts is good fun and positive emotions :) We would also like to thank Kamil Barański from the Lingua Franca Language School and the team of our friends from Koszalin!

Creating Christmas "spiders" at Zagroda Jamneńska

As a part of developing intercultural competences, a group of Erasmus+ participants staying at Koszalin University of Technology took part in cultural workshops organized by the Staff  of Zagroda Jamneńska in cooperation  with the International Mobility Office of Koszalin University of Technology. During the workshops, students from France, Portugal and Turkey made Christmas ”spiders” originating from Polish folk tradition. Folk ”spiders” are structures that are hung up on a ceilig beam, decorating country cottages in the pre-Christmas period. They used to be made out of simple materials available in the countryside, such as: sticks, straw, peas, feathers, wool and tissue paper purchased from wandering merchants. It took a lot of precision and patience to make a small model of a ”spider”. On the occasion of the workshops, the students visited Zagrida Jamneńska, an exhibition in the peasant’s cottage, and watched a film about the history of Jamno and the surrounding areas.

The students of Koszalin University of Technology, who would like to participate in similar activities to help foreign Erasmus+ participants to integrate with the local enviroment to develop intercultural competences, are invited by the International Mobility Office to cooperation.


Erasmus Days

Online Event:  >> link here << 

The event, organized within ERASMUS DAYS by the International Mobility Office of Koszalin University of Technology, summarized the stay of foreign ERASMUS students in the 2020/2021 academic year.
Our event showed the extraordinary influence that Erasmus+ had on its participants and their future. The stories presented during the event proved that even though Erasmus+ mobility lasts a moment, it becomes a lifetime experience.

#ErasmusDays 2021

Erasmus+ Welcome day 2021 - winter edition


Erasmus+ 2021

Visiting Zagroda Jamneńska and "motanka doll" - workshop





First days in Koszalin

Erasmus+ Cooking Day 2019



Erasmus+ Welcome Day 2019


Erasmus+ Welcome Day 2018

Andrzejki 2017

Kraków 2017

Erasmus+ Cooking Day 2017

Erasmus+ Welcome Day 2017


XVII Zachodniopomorski Festiwal Nauki 2017


XVI Zachodniopomorski Festiwal Nauki 2016