Politechniki Koszalińskiej


Dear Student,

To become an exchange student within the ERASMUS+ programme one must be a registered student at one of the universities participating in the programme. It is also required that the coordinators at both the home and host institutions approve the programme of studies. Knowledge of Polish is not obligatory.

In order to takie part in the applicationm procedure for Erasmus+ at Koszalin University of Technolgy, you have to nominated by your Home University.

The nomination is done by your Erasmus Coordinators from your Home University by email. 

Once we have the information that you have been nominated for Erasmus+ scholarship you can start the application procedure.

You will be notified by email about the application process

Nomination deadline is 15/05/2024 

In case late nomination please contact International Mobility Office:

The recruitment 2024/2025 for Erasmus + students is open at Koszalin University of Technology,

For information about the courses you should visit our website:

Please check the course that is suitable for you according to your field of study

If you have any questions regarding the courses/lectures please contact your Departmental Coordinator

List of departmental Coordinators according to field of study : file to be uploaded below

What is important - you can choose subjects only within ONE Faculty/Department

Required language level: B1 English IS COMPULSORY.

You should fill in these documents: 

  1. Application Form; signed by you,
  2. Accommodation Form (if you wish to apply for Students Residence of Koszalin University of Technology); signed by you.
  3. Online Learning Agreement - accepted and signed by you and your Coordinator of your home University, please check:
  4. Transcript of Records from your University.

The documents should be sent to me via e-mail.

DEADLINE for the papers: 15th June 2024 (winter and full year); 15th December 2024 for summer semester.



Erasmus GDPR Information Obligation_KUT.pdf Pobierz
KUT_GUIDE_2023.pdf Pobierz
Guide for students with disabilities.pdf Pobierz
KUT_Erasmus+ Accommodation Form.doc Pobierz
KUT_Erasmus+Application Form.doc Pobierz
Erasmus+ OLA User Guide KUT.pdf Pobierz