Politechniki Koszalińskiej


Dear Students!

Due to the commencement of the new Erasmus Charter for the years 2021-2027, new rules for the functioning of mobility under the Erasmus+ program have been introduced.

As part of the above activities, a paperless exchange system was introduced - the so-called Erasmus without Paper, i.e. a system of interconnected tools facilitating the process of mobility under Erasmus+

One of the initiatives that are part of this system is OLA or Online Learning Agreement.

Link to the Online Learning Agreement website: 

An outgoing student studying under Erasmus+ must register on the OLA website: using his/her e-mail address and complete the document. After signing the OLA in the electronic version, confirm it with your signature.

After the student approves and signs his Online Learning Agreement, the document is sent via EWP and appears in the tool used by the sending university, and after its acceptance by the host university. If corrections are necessary, the relevant Coordinator will send back with a comment what changes should be made in OLA. The student should make all the corrections and after approving the OLA - Coordinators from both universities have the opportunity to approve the OLA again.

The introduction of the Online Learning Agreement system facilitates the entire application process. This saves time and paper, the student does not have to appear in person at the Coordinator.

For more information:


learning-agreement-intl-jun-22_en.pdf Pobierz
learning-agreement-intl-jun-22_en (1).docx Pobierz
online-learning-agreement-jun-2022_en.pdf Pobierz
online-learning-agreement-jun-2022_en (6).docx Pobierz
KUT_GUIDE_2023.pdf Pobierz
Erasmus+ OLA User Guide KUT.pdf Pobierz