Politechniki Koszalińskiej

Erasmus+ Stories

Faculty of Electronics and Computer Science
Incoming student from Portugal 2019/2020

I came to Koszalin on October 20, 2020. I have never been to Poland before, and I chose Koszalin University of Technology because it was the University that offered me the best study conditions.

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, I didn't get to know too many people - however, I was very surprised at the way teachers and Polish buddies helped students. They helped me acclimatize properly here, and it made me feel very comfortable. My biggest adventure was the train ride - during the trip, I was able to admire the wonderful landscape of Poland. A dish that I particularly liked was the traditional Polish Bigos - I decided that when I come back I would try to do it myself!

Erasmus + mobility has definitely had a positive impact on my new experience. Thanks to this, I got to know Poland better! I definitely recommend it to all students who are thinking of going abroad!


Faculty of Humanities
Incoming student from Turkey 2020/21

When I decided to come for the Erasmus+ mobility to Koszalin University of Technology, I had never been abroad before. At the beginning, I was a bit worried because of the difference in cultures and lifestyles, and I was also afraid of the trip to Poland itself. However, I decided to come to Koszalin - as one my friends, who had already been in Koszalin for the mobility, recommended me this place. I also searched on the Internet and Koszalin appealed to me very much.

I enjoyed corresponding with the staff at the International Mobility Office - they were very kind to me and patiently answered my questions. Unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to attend classes face to face - the COVID pandemic made everything difficult. However, the online learning system at Koszalin University of Technology suited me very well - everything was organized perfectly!

What is more, I can't forget about wonderful Polish Buddies. Marcin, Maja and Ada were always helpful, hey are very nice and kind friends. We spent lots of unforgettable moments with each other!

I believe that Erasmus+ mobility is not only for educational purposes but also it is a cultural exchange between people. I liked having conversations with my Polish friends and still I keep in touch with them. When it comes to my experience in Poland, I really liked Pierogi and Zapiekanka - I am not sure if I wrote it correctly 🙂- they were so yummy! Polish people are very kind and polite.

All in all, I can say that Erasmus+ has definitively changed positively my viewpoint on my life. I will always tell my wonderful and unforgettable memories to my Turkish friends and family. I really appreciate the opportunity to have been here! I highly recommend the mobility to all the young people!

Faculty of Architecture and Design
Icoming student from Italy 2020/21

Hello, I'm Nadia and I come from Italy. I started my Erasmus+ in Poland (Koszalin) in February 2021, I had chosen this country because it's very different from Italy (especially from Sicily, where I come from). Since my arrival, I fell in love with Poland and its landscapes, fantastic cities and history, the cuisine (especially hotdogs, pierogi and zapiekanka). I was fascinated by Poles, their culture, polish weather and habits. I also improved my English, learned a few Polish words and met many friends from all over Europe, my life goals have changed for the better!

Unfortunately, my experience was limited because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, this situation didn't allow me to take part in stationary classes at Koszalin University of Technology, however we had online lessons, professors were very kind and helped me a lot in the realization of my projects. Also it was my first time in such a nice workshop organized by the University creating reeling dolls in Zagroda Jamneńska in Jamno.

Thank you Poland for all the emotions I was able to experience in such a short time, thank you also for all the trips accompanied by snow and cold, for all the sunrises seen from the train windows and the sunsets over the sea and rivers. I would always advise everyone to go to Poland, it is a country that deserves to be visited and lived, it's affordable and allows you to have lots of experiences with international friends!

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Incoming student from Turkey 200/21

First of all, I wanted to go to Germany, but when the quota was full, I decided to go to Koszalin University of Technology, as my friends had gone to Koszalin in previous years and they also advised me to go there. I came to Koszalin at the end of February. First, I went to Warsaw, then I arrived in Koszalin after a 5-6 hours train journey.

I had heard that people in Poland were rather cold and unpleasant, but when I got there, I saw that they were all friendly and kind. I have never been rejected when I spoke English, lot of people in Poland actually can speak English, what surprised me. University staff was very friendly and helpful. Koszalin University of Technology, although small, has larger laboratories than many other universities that I know. I am very happy to have had the opportunity to do interesting experiments there.

I have a lot of good memories from Koszalin, but the greatest experience for me was the first time when I was shaved by a female barber. I had never had such a situation in Turkey before. It was very different for me and I found out that women can shave men too! I went to this barbershop thanks to Marcin - the Polish Buddy. He is a really great person. Whenever I needed help, he was there for me. I have met wonderful friends here!

Earlier, I thought that Polish cuisine was a bit poor comparing to Turkish, but I was wrong. I have eaten pierogi at least once a week. Also "zapiekanka" looked very beautiful and tasted well!

Thanks to the Erasmus+ Program, I got to know many cultures and met friends from all over the world. I think my horizons expanded as I have met many new people. At the same time, thanks to the Erasmus+ Program, I had the opportunity to travel to many countries. I have recommended Erasmus+ Mobility to many of my friends. Almost all of them went for Erasmus mobility this year. One of my best friends is even doing Erasmus+ Mobility in Koszalin University of Technology right now, I am very happy about that!

Incoming student from Turkey
summer semester of 2021/22

"While I was on the Erasmus mobility, I had the chance to collect many beautiful memories both with the activities organized by Koszalin University of Technology and by myself. At the Welcome Day event, when we first arrived at the University, Polish friends offered us regional dishes. I liked the Pierogi very much, desserts were also delicious. During my Erasmus Mobility, I had the chance to visit both Poland and many other countries. The thing I liked most in Poland was that the people were very friendly. I was also very interested in the historical structures of this country and they were all very beautiful. In my opinion, the best activity that we went with our Polish buddies was visit to Zagroda Jamnenska museum: we watched an interesting movie about the history of that place, visited the house-shaped museum, and made cloth dolls that are very unique.

In addition to all these, our teachers have always treated us very well. Overall it was a very fun and productive mobility for me".

Faculty of MechanicaI Engineering
Incoming student from Turkey 2020/21

I arrived in Koszalin on a cold February night with my friends, and we were very lucky as we had a perfect Erasmus+ mentor – Marcin. He picked us up from Koszalin train station and took to the dormitory, so we did not have to worry about getting lost. Erasmus+ Buddies are really helpful and make lots of things much more easier.

Firstly, I planned to go to Spain, but most Universities wanted Spanish language certificate. Therefore, I chose Koszalin, mostly because it is located by the sea. I thought it would have Mediterranean climate, but I was wrong, the weather is not so hot.

Before my arrival to Koszalin, some people told me that Poles can sometimes be a little bit racist about religion, but I had never faced such behavior. Actually in my opinion, weather in Poland can be cold, but Polish people are really friendly. Koszalin is a small city, but don't worry! I have made many new friendships, Poles like to party, they love kebap and barbecue. Unfortunately, I didn't have a chance to spend a lot of time at Koszalin University of Technology buildings, because of the pandemic restrictions. However, in my opinion, it is really good University, especially the laboratories. Our teachers and our Erasmus Coordinator were so friendly, helpful - they solved all our problems. I have so many good memories from my Erasmus+ mobility, but what I will miss the most is spending time around the dormitory yard with International friends and going to Mielno beach. I will never forget the door officer at our dormitory. The Lady didn’t know English and obviously we didn't know Polish – but every time, when she couldn’t help us because of language barriers, she seemed to be so sad! Erasmus+ mobility has definitely changed my life. I have made many new friendships, I have learned other lifestyles, different points of view, international cultures and customs. Erasmus+ is not only changing cities and countries - I am not far away from European culture - but surprisingly it is also changing worldview. Moreover, I have improved my English a lot, the mobility even eased me to find an interesting job.

Faculty of Architecture and Design

Incomimng student from Italy   2020/21

 I arrived in Koszalin on the 25th of February 2021 and I am sure that my Erasmus+ mobility was the most unforgettable, interesting and beautiful experience of all of my life. I was studying at the Faculty of Architecture and Design at Koszalin University of Technology. I spent 5 months in Koszalin, staying there even a month longer, after finishing the semester at the University.

Polish is not easy language to learn, there are a lot of strange letters and a lot of names meaning the same thing. You will probably have some problems at the beginning, trying to say "dziekuje" or "dzien dobry"- those mean "thank you" and "good morning", but after a while, you will start to like Polish.

I had chosen to go to Poland, as I wanted to discover and learn totally different culture from mine and if I could go back in time - I wouldn't change my decision! I love Poland and Polish people, they are so warm-hearted, what firstly surprised me, as they live in such a cold climate. Oh yes, sometimes it is really cold in Poland, but you will have many ways to get your body warmer, starting from many kinds of tea that Poles love to drink.

I couldn't believe that, but summertime exists also in Poland:) Although it is shorter than summers I know from my home country - Italy, but anyway, I had a great fun going to the beach with my new friends to the beautiful touristic place near Koszalin called Mielno. Moreover, there are lots of forests, parks and green areas where it is really nice to spend time when the weather is warm and sunny. Koszalin is also an extremely safe town, rather small, but on the other hand, it will make you feel comfortable and secure.

I also liked Polish cuisine a lot, it is very very nice, rich with dishes made from potatoes, meat, onion and garlic. My favorite Polish dish are placki ziemniaczane – potato pancakes, but there many other very interesting dishes.

In my opinion Erasmus+ mobility changed my life for better. Staying in an unknown country alone for so long, depending just on myself and finally sharing this unforgettable life experience with other Erasmus+ students, Polish friends, Lecturers and Erasmus+ Coordinators… It is really difficult for me to explain, but certainly, it was remarkable, wonderful and extremely significant lifetime experience. As I have mentioned before, Koszalin is rather small city - I remember that when I used to say to my friends that I am going for a mobility there, they said “Why there?!” or “You are crazy!", but this was the best decision I could ever make, I improved my language a lot, gained knowledge concerning my field of study, met many new friends from over the world, acquainted with formerly unknown cultures, lifestyles and viewpoints. All of you who are reading my story – do not hesitate, do the same and take part in the Erasmus+ mobility!

Academic Staff – Outgoing mobility STT
July 2022

"Don't let the grass grow under your feet" or "A rolling stone gathers no moss"
Jeśli nie będziemy aktywni, otwarci na rozwój i świat, stagnacja i wypalenie dosięgnąć nas mogą :)”

Incoming academic Staff (STA) from University of  Zaragoza
September 2022

"I am from the University of Zaragoza (Spain), and we have been working in an Erasmus+ project with other European universities, including the Technical University of Koszalin. In one of our international meetings, when talking about common fields with the professors of Koszalin, the opportunity of me visiting the KUT came up, and I welcomed the chance. My visit was funded by the Erasmus+ program for mobility. During my stay I attended the International Conference for Students and Young Scientist that was organized by KUT and took place in Dąbki. At the conference, I learned about the projects that are being developed not only in KUT, but also in other Polish Universities, I also met other professors and researchers with whom I share areas of interests. During my trip I also had time to visit Koszalin and Gdansk, and they are both very beautiful cities. I want to thank the professors who invited me and everybody who I met, they all made me feel welcome. I am looking forward to future cooperation. Thank you!".

Academic Incoming Staff – STA Mobility  
Holon University of Technology

"The collaboration under Erasmus with Professor Brygida Gasztold has greatly contributed to my professional skills and knowledge both in my research by enhancing creative potentials of intellectual curiosity

Professor Gasztold and I have been discussing various issues related to our academic field. Our collaboration has yielded an academic paper that was submitted a few months ago to one of the leading journals in the fields of American and British literature. Right now, we are working on a new academic project that will hopefully lead to a new publication.

In addition, through our collaboration, we gave a few lectures and seminars in Poland and in Israel which, according to students’ and peers’ feedback, were enlightening and brought new insights and knowledge.

Collaborating on research and writing projects has enriched my personal and professional life and assisted in making additional contributions to our institution, profession, and community. Finally, learning about the Polish academic systems and curricula broadened my horizons".

Administration Staff  - outgoing STT Mobility (May 2022)

"Participating in the mobility was an important work experience which allowed me to improve my English communication skills and also provided a unique platform for the exchange of knowledge. It was a valuable experience that significantly contributed to the increase in satisfaction with everyday work and motivation to take up new professional challenges and activities related to personal development.

Free time after class gave me the opportunity to visit this unique city, which is Barcelona, ​​which at every step enchants with its architecture, rich cultural offer, and at the same time full of life atmosphere.

I recommend participation in the Erasmus + program to all undecided - it is a unique opportunity to gain new knowledge, practical and language skills, get to know a different culture, and make new friends. An unforgettable adventure and memories for a lifetime!