This bibliography serves as a curated collection aimed at introducing key publications in the field of intercultural communication over the past two decades. Acknowledging an existing bias tow...
Technology and Employment
The nature of work is currently experiencing a transformative shift propelled by emerging technologies like machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), and the...
The concept of culture shock is a prominent topic in the field of interpersonal communication, especially when it comes to cross-cultural encounters. As we know, it can be fascinating and conf...
Ever wondered about the communication filters we all possess?
Let's explore their complexity and impact on how we perceive the world around us.
Looking at Georges Seurat's painting “A ...
Sfinansowano przez Narodową Agencję Wymiany Akademickiej w ramach zadania zleconego MEiN pn. „Solidarni z Ukrainą – Uniwersytety Europejskie”, projekt pn. „Wsparcie współpracy Politechniki Koszalińskiej z uczelniami ukraińskimi w ramach sojuszu Uniwersytetu Europejskiego EU4DUAL, umowa o współpracy nr BPI/UE/2022/15-00